As we are two decades into the new millennium, we are beginning to see a change in the needs of our children. Were these needs always present or are have they been impending upon the changes of our society?

Why Children Need Therapy Intervention
With all that goes on day to day, we are coming to find there are more children affected by the choices of their parents, their classmates, and even their teachers. It is important that our children have a space to recognize their feelings and come to grips with some of the true hardships of daily life. No matter if we perceive that all is well, it is important to provide the tools so they will be well-equipped in troubling times.
How H.E.A.R.T Helps
H.E.A.R.T is an inspired project by Shana Trahan. The proposed idea is to provide therapy based groups to children and adolescents in the Houston area. Through our 7-week program, kids will get to express themselves, learn new positive habits, and create memories they won't soon forget.
How Schools Can Get Involved
Schools that are seeking to provide ISS alternatives or in-school therapy for underserved groups can reach us via email. We are seeking to work in Houston and the outer lying areas.